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TASR Gold League: It’s all about the stats
Now you can track the performance of your favorite roundnet players, study your opponents, and analyze your own game!!
There’s a lot to dig into besides RPR (Roundnet Player Rating) so use this to help you navigate the report below:
Pg 1: RPR Overview | Pg 2: RPR Details | Pg 3: Breaks | Pg 4: Serving
Pg 5: Serve Receive | Pg 6: Defense | Pg 7: Setting | Pg 8: Hitting
To dig deeper into RPR, check out this article written by its creator Max Model: Introducing RPR
FYI: this dashboard is best displayed on a computer but if viewing it on mobile flip your phone to landscape
Roundnet Skill Archetypes
We track more than just RPR, awarding players who perform best in roundnet’s archetypal skills: hitting, forcing breaks, setting, serve receive, serving, and defense.
Skill Archetype: Forcing Breaks
An overall measure of effectiveness, find out who forces the most breaks and gets broken the least in Texas on page 3
Ranking Metric:
Roundnet Plus Minus = Breaks - Broken
Skill Archetype: Defense
Find out who the best defenders in Texas are on page 4
Ranking Metric:
Adjusted Defensive Touches = (Defensive Touch Returned to Net + (0.5)*Defensive Touch Not Returned to Net) / # of games
Skill Archetype: Serving
Find out who the best servers in Texas are on page 5
Ranking Metric:
Ace % = Aces / Total Serves
Skill Archetype: Serve Receive
Find out who the best serve receivers are in Texas on page 6
Ranking Metric:
Aced % = Aced / Total Serves
Skill Archetype: Setting
Find out who the best setters in Texas are on page 7
Ranking Metric:
Setting Plus Minus = (Strong Sets - Weak Sets) * Partner Put Away %
Note: if weak sets > strong sets, then use: (1 - Partner Put Away %)
Skill Archetype: Hitting
Find out who the best hitters in Texas are on page 8
Ranking Metric:
Put Away % = Put Aways / Total Hits