Roundnet Analytics Worldwide is proud to join the TASR family. RAW is your home for roundnet statistics and analytics, offering detailed data breakdowns (stats by serve type!) and play-level data.
Check out the site to browse aggregate stats like you would on basketball, deep-dive into game breakdowns like ESPN, or even purchase stats for your own games / tournament!
TASR Roundnet: Trailblazing the new wave of stats (predecessor to RAW)
…below is a snapshot in time from the 2020 season, enjoy :) …
Now you can track the performance of your favorite roundnet players, study your opponents, and analyze your own game!!
Check out a player’s overall performance with RPR or see who excels at specific aspects of the game with the skill archetypes!
To dig deeper into RPR, check out this article written by its creator Max Model: Introducing RPR
Roundnet Skill Archetypes
We track more than just RPR, awarding players who perform best in roundnet’s archetypal skills: hitting, forcing breaks, setting, serve receive, serving, and defense.
Skill Archetype: Forcing Breaks
An overall measure of effectiveness, find out who forces the most breaks and gets broken the least in Texas on page 3
Ranking Metric:
Roundnet Plus Minus = (Breaks - Broken) / # of Games
Skill Archetype: Defense
Find out who the best defenders in Texas are on page 4
Ranking Metric:
Adjusted Defensive Touches = (Defensive Touch Returned to Net + (0.5)*Defensive Touch Not Returned to Net) / # of games
Skill Archetype: Serving
Find out who the best servers in Texas are on page 5
Ranking Metric:
Ace % = Aces / Total Serves
Skill Archetype: Serve Receive
Find out who the best serve receivers are in Texas on page 6
Ranking Metric:
Aced % = Aced / Total Serves
Skill Archetype: Setting
Find out who the best setters in Texas are on page 7
Ranking Metric:
Setting Plus Minus = (Strong Sets - Weak Sets) * Partner Put Away %
Note: if weak sets > strong sets, then use: (1 - Partner Put Away %)
Skill Archetype: Hitting
Find out who the best hitters in Texas are on page 8
Ranking Metric:
Put Away % = Put Aways / Total Hits