Entities Around the State

Want to get a hub in your city? Check out the new hub application at the bottom of the page! 


Join our all Texas facebook group as well as the group for your hub below: Texas Association for the Sport of Roundnet- All Texas Group





Hub Leader: Logan Cornelius

Contact: Logancornelius11@gmail.com

Hub Days: 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month (10-12)

Location: Glencoe Park

Social Media:
Facebook: DFW Spikeball
Facebook Group: DFW Roundnet Pick Up Hub - Texas Association for the Sport of Roundnet
Instagram: @DFWSpikeball
Twitter: @DFWSpikeball



Hub does not meet in summer. 
Looking for summer hub leaders.

Hub Leader: Chris Guerra

Contact: c.e.guerra429@gmail.com

Hub Days: 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month (4-5:30)

Location:  Fountain Mall at Baylor University

Social Media:
Facebook: Waco Roundnet HUB - Texas Association for the Sport of Roundnet

College Station

Hub does not meet in summer. 
Looking for summer hub leaders.

Hub Leader: Frederic Hinkle

Contact: royalguy@tamu.edu

Hub Days: Every Saturday (10:30 -1)

Location: Simpson Drill Field at Texas A&M University

Social Media:
Facebook: College Station Roundnet Hub-Texas Association for the Sport of Roundnet
Instagram: @CStat_Roundnet



Hub Leaders: Will Harrell & Anthony Rhodes

Contact: Willmharrell@gmail.com & Anthonyrhodes1@gmail.com

Hub Days: 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month

2100 Judiway St.
Houston, Tx 77018

Social Media:
Facebook: Houston Roundnet HUB - Texas Association for the Sport of Roundnet




Hub Leaders: Jeremy Hill

Contact: mr.jeremy.hill@gmail.com

Hub Days: Every Friday at 5:45

Zilker Park

Social Media:
Facebook: Austin Roundnet Hub - Texas Association for the Sport of Roundnet
Instagram: Spikeball_atx

Hub leaders: Derek longley


Hub Days: Thursdays 6:30 - 8:30

Location: North Lakes Soccer Fields

Social Media:
Instagram: dentonroundnet


Become a Hub! 

Want to join the TASR network and have an official hub in your city? Submit an application right here and we can get you started as a TASR member! 

Spikeball and Roundnet… What’s the Difference?

Roundnet is the sport popularized by Spikeball inc. You may have heard of it referred to as Spikeball, but that is merely the brand who makes the product on which roundnet is played! Check out their information at Spikeball.com!