DFW Roundnet Leagues - PLano, TX

Compete casually or competitively in Plano, Texas! 

Plano Roundnet League in partnership with the Plano Parks and Rec Department

Do you love playing that “net game” your cousin Marty brought to the barbecue? Well now you can take your talents from the backyard to center stage in Plano’s first ever roundnet (Spikeball) league! Just grab a friend (or your cousin Marty if you have to) and sign up! The sport of roundnet is growing rapidly in the US (check it out on ESPN here) and the Texas Association for the Sport of Roundnet doesn’t want you to miss out on the fun!


You’ll get 6 regular season games (best 2 out of 3) series every week! And then 2 weeks of playoffs!

TIme and Place:

Tuesday Nights

Heritage Yards in Plano, TX



Competitive and Recreational

Rules and about the sport:

If you don’t know what roundnet is then you’ve probably heard of it called Spikeball, and if you still don’t know what it is or just want make sure you got the rules down check out this page here: https://spikeball.com/pages/official-rules


Regular Season: May 23 - June 27

Playoffs: July 4 & 11


Registration is open and closes the 10th of May

Cost: $80/Team.

Only 2 people can play on a team during a matchup, but you can roster more than 2 people in case someone can't make a game one week. Rosters are set when the regular season ends.

Texas Top 100

By participating in a TASR league you are eligible to be ranked in the Texas Top 100. This is a list of the top players in Texas, see where you stack up as you compete and have fun! Rankings released quarterly starting in April.

Register Below

The Texas Association for the sport of roundnet is a new organization meant to raise awareness of and grow the sport of roundnet throughout Texas! We have hubs of players who host regular pick up games and tournaments throughout the state! Find out more about us at TexasRoundnet.com

Plano League Registration 2019

Once your team is registered please download and fill out the roster form

Need to get more roundnet in? Check out some of the options below!


Spikeball and Roundnet… What’s the Difference?

Roundnet is the sport popularized by Spikeball inc. You may have heard of it referred to as Spikeball, but that is merely the brand who makes the product on which roundnet is played! Check out their information at Spikeball.com!