Texas majors
The Texas Majors are the ultimate tournament experience in Texas. These tournaments bring together players from around the state and provide a fun, competitive environment throughout the whole year. Whether it’s your first roundnet tournament or you’re looking to qualify for LoneStar Roundnet Club, the Texas Majors are for you!
The Texas Majors will culminate into the ultimate Texas tournament: Texas Nationals on 12/5! Competing in the Gold Division at Texas Majors also provides the opportunity to earn qualification for the Texas Platinum Division at Texas Nationals and LoneStar Roundnet Club. Performances in the Gold, Advanced, and Women’s divisions will affect rankings in the Texas Top 100. To find out more about these, click on the them to see more info!
For details on the Texas Major point system and Gold qualification click here.
For details on the Texas Nationals Pro Style Platinum division click here.
Find the right division for you:
Want to test yourself against the best?
Prove yourself in the Gold Division!*
Guaranteed pool play and multiple bracket games - regardless of pool play record
1st-3rd: Spikeball Pro Set, Spikeball “gear bag grab”, LoneStar cash bonus
4th-8th: entered into a lottery for 2 FREE Savage Ultimate jerseys
*Qualification required
Looking to compete with other lady ballers?
The Women’s Division is for you!
Guaranteed pool play and multiple bracket games - regardless of pool play record
1st-3rd: Spikeball “gear bag grab”
Want to take your game to the next level?
Test yourself in the Advanced Division!
Guaranteed pool play and multiple bracket games - regardless of pool play record
1st-3rd: Spikeball “gear bag grab”, entered into a lottery for 2 FREE Savage Ultimate jerseys
1st-4th: qualification for the Gold division at future Texas Majors
Looking for a more casual experience?
Try the Intermediate Division!
Guaranteed pool play and multiple bracket games - regardless of pool play record
1st-3rd: Spikeball “gear bag grab