TASR Tournament Director Training

Congrats and welcome to the next step in becoming a TASR TD! You are an essential part of TASR hosting amazing events into the future! Our organization has seen some awesome growth and fun events but in order for these events to grow and improve people like you are so important!

In order to become a certified TD for TASR you must

  1. Read through the entire guide

  2. Pass the TD Exam

  3. Pass the onsite Tournament shadow exam.

If all 3 of these steps are completed then you will be a certified TASR TD and be added to our TASR TD group and will be eligible to run TASR events and become a paid volunteer if we already have a hired TD.

STEP 1: Download the guide below to take the first step to becoming a certified TASR tournament director.

Links to these videos can be found throughout the guide, but here is the link for your reference

STEP 2: When you feel as if you know the material well enough you can continue to the next step by taking the TD Exam

STEP 3: Finally, Please Choose a tournament to shadow. You must shadow and volunteer at a Major before becoming certified

Spikeball and Roundnet… What’s the Difference?

Roundnet is the sport popularized by Spikeball inc. You may have heard of it referred to as Spikeball, but that is merely the brand who makes the product on which roundnet is played! Check out their information at Spikeball.com!